
Much like with query structs cynic expects you to own any enums you want to query for, or provide as arguments. The cynic::Enum trait is used to define an enum. The easiest way to define that trait is to derive it:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[derive(cynic::Enum, Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum Market { Uk, Ie, } }

The derive will work on any enum that only has unit variants that match up with the variants on the enum in the schema. If there are any extra or missing variants, the derive will emit errors.

Variant Naming

The GraphQL spec recommends that enums are "all caps". To handle this smoothly, Cynic matches rust variants up to their equivalent SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE GraphQL variants. This behaviour can be disabled by specifying a rename_all = "None" attribute, or customised alternative rename_all values or individual rename attributes on the variants.

Exhaustiveness Checking

By default, cynic checks the exhuastiveness of Enums - you should provide a variant for each enum value in the GraphQL schema. You can also provide a fallback variant to provide forwards compatability - if the server adds new enum values they'll be caught by this variant.

You can opt-out of this exhaustiveness using the #[cynic(non_exhaustive)] attribute. When this is present exhaustiveness is not checked, and the fallback variant is used for all the variants missing from the selection.

Enum Attributes

An Enum can be configured with several attributes on the enum itself:

  • graphql_type = "AType" tells cynic which enum in the GraphQL schema this enum represents. The name of the enum is used if it is omitted.
  • rename_all="camelCase" tells cynic to rename all the rust field names with a particular rule to match their GraphQL counterparts. If not provided this defaults to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE to be consistent with GraphQL conventions.
  • schema tells cynic which schema to use to validate this Enum. The schema you provide should have been registered in your build.rs. This is optional if you're using the schema that was registered as default, or if you're using schema_path instead.
  • schema_path provides a path to some GraphQL schema SDL. This is only required if you're using a schema that wasn't registered in build.rs.
  • schema_module tells cynic where to find your schema module. This is optional and should only be needed if your schema module is not in scope or is named something other than schema.
  • non_exhaustive can be provided to mark an enum as non-exhaustive. Such enums are required to have a fallback variant, but not required to have a variant for each value in the schema.

Variant Attributes

Each variant can also have it's own attributes:

  • rename="SOME_VARIANT" can be used to map a variant to a completely different GraphQL variant name.
  • The fallback attribute can be provided on a single variant. This variant will be used when we receive a value we didn't expect from the server - such as when the server has added a new variant since we last pulled its schema. This variant can optionally have a single string field, which will receive the value we received from the server.